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Diego Mariño Fages (Durham University)

  • Diego is an Assistant Professor at Durham University specializing in political economy. His research encompasses a wide range of topics, utilizing both experimental and non-experimental data. Key areas of his work include the cultural assimilation of immigrants, the impact of elections on the rise of hate speech, the influence of group size on cooperation, and motivated forecasts during the last Argentinean elections, among others.

  • Diego is developing a subject pool for experiments in the Northeastern region of Argentina. He recently leveraged this subject pool to study how individuals form motivated forecasts about inflation, unemployment, and the future value of the official and black market (blue) dollar. During his visit, Diego will conduct an experiment to explore the vertical transmission of beliefs and values from parents to their children. He will also look for new collaborations to study issues in Latin America.

  • Friday, August 2nd at 11am ART.

June 5

Anujit Chakraborty (UC Davis)

December 11

Germán Reyes (Middlebury College)