JILAEE is a network of world-class researchers, public and private institutions, and social innovators.
“Scientifically, our goal is to bring field experiments to South America, and expand Chicago economics throughout Latin America”
JILAEE’s mission is to inspire positive social change through innovative research in Latin America.
JILAEE is a research initiative founded by John List (UChicago) and Julio Elias (UCEMA). Along with our research team and affiliated researchers, we aim to use insights from behavioral and experimental economics to promote economic betterment in Latin America.
JILAEE partners with public and private institutions to produce rigorous research, supports researchers to run their own field experiments in Latin America, and brings together a network of world-class researchers and innovators.
Our Work:
JILAEE’s research studies are organized by thematic sectors relevant to policy, and capacity-building in the region. Each sector includes research projects, policy briefs, and outreach activities to work in close collaboration with Latin American stakeholders.
Early-Childhood Education
JILAEE supports local governments in designing, implementing, and evaluating programs that improve the lives of children. The programs typically target children age zero to five in the region’s most disadvantaged populations and have the potential to scale with limited resources.
Financial Sector
Research projects in this sector cover topics such as tax compliance, trust, and banking behavior. We partner with public as well as private institutions in the financial sector to generate evidence and find solutions to common challenges across Latin America.
Institutions & Governance
Effective governance, the development of social norms, and formation of strong institutions is at the core of improving lives in Latin America. JILAEE jointly develops programs and research agendas that aim at generating new insights and promote positive social change.