JILAEE’s Visiting Fellows program
The Joint Initiative for Latin American Experimental Economics (JILAEE) accepts requests from scholars around the world who would like to visit us in Buenos Aires and investigate topics in behavioral and experimental economics. JILAEE has a network of research partners throughout Argentina and Latin America and has established a center where visiting fellows can pursue their writing and research. We will give priority to researchers whose work is related to the work of JILAEE researchers, to those who would like to collaborate with some of our research partners, and to those who are generally interested in experimental research in Latin America.
These research projects, and the work
conducted by visiting fellows, represent an important component of JILAEE’s mission to use insights from behavioral and experimental economics to reduce inequality and promote economic betterment in Latin America.
Visiting fellows will receive an allowance for travel, living and housing expenses. They will have their own desk at the offices of JILAAE in UCEMA, will join JILAEE activities and will be integrated in our community of experimental economists both at UCEMA and at University of Chicago (including seminars, team meetings and social activities). JILAEE fellows will also have access to our mobile experimental
lab. Fellowships will be offered for visiting us for a period of one to three months.
To apply to become a JILAEE visiting fellow, email the following:
Curriculum vitae
One representative paper
One-paragraph description of the research plans for the visit
Contact details of 2 people that endorse your visit.
Application process
All applications undergo an initial internal screening for relevance to the Initiative’s priority areas and the strength of the application. Applications that are approved as part of the initial screening are sent out for review to the Executive and Scientific Directors. The final selection decisions are made by the committee of Directors.
Deadlines for application
The application process operates on a rolling basis, and it is currently open. The timing of the fellowship will be made according to the availability of both the Initiative and the applicant.